We are intentional about cultivating this habit because Jesus came “not to be served but to serve” (Matthew 20:28), and he challenged us to do the same: “I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you.” (John 13:15)
Try out one of our opportunities to serve in the church and/or the city based on your skills, passion, and availability, and discover greater purpose and deeper joy.
April-June 2025
Wednesday Night Fellowship
Please consider signing up your small group, family, or friends to prepare and serve a meal on a Wednesday night at Gethsemane. Get a glimpse of the kingdom of God as all ages and many languages gather around the table for food and fellowship. Set up is 5-6 pm, dinner is 6-7 pm.
Sign up or contact Amy Kelley.
Mercy Closet
Love to organize and build relationships? Help sort donations, reorganize clothes, and greet visitors at the Mercy Closet on our Gethsemane campus. Sign up here: http://www.stlukesmethodist.org/mercy
or contact Amy Kelley.
Volunteer in the St. Luke’s woodshop any Monday or Tuesday morning or at the Second Saturday Woodshop Serve on May 10th from 9-11 am (Ages 18+). Help make wooden toys for underserved children, repair furniture, or construct other small projects. No experience is necessary.
Contact Karen McCarver for more information.
VBS Classroom Teachers
We are looking for classroom teachers June 9th-13th for our preschool through fifth-grade campers! Classroom teachers share a daily Bible story, facilitate games and crafts, and escort children to other activities like Worship, Playground/Gym, and Science. Lesson plans and classroom materials will be provided for all teachers. Every teacher will have an adult partner and 2-3 Teen Helpers to assist in the classroom. Additionally, we offer "Mini VBS" childcare for our volunteers' infants through PreK children. To register as a volunteer, please visit www.stlukesmethodist.org/VBS. For more information, please contact Rebecca Alsup.
Sunday Morning Children’s Greeters
We Need You! Are you a parent with a child in our Children’s Ministries Sunday morning programs?
Do you have 20 minutes to spare before worship once every six weeks? We’re looking for friendly volunteers to help welcome families as they arrive to the Activity Center before worship from about 9:30-9:50 am. Your warm welcome can make a BIG difference! Contact Sarah Butler if you can help serve.
Wedding Guild Volunteer
Are you looking to make a difference and be part of something special? We’re seeking passionate volunteers to help serve at weddings and ensure the big day goes off without a hitch! As a volunteer, you’ll play an essential role in creating beautiful, memorable experiences for couples and their guests. Volunteers in the Wedding Guild greet guests and assist the wedding coodinator with the wedding party and running the wedding ceremony. Volunteers serve as their schedule allows, with a flexible time commitment of up to 3 hours per service. For information, please contact Madeline Andriesen.
Student Ministries Easter Flower Delivery
Students and families of 6th-12th graders, please join us on Saturday, April 12 from 1-4 pm. During this event, we will be grouping up and going to various long-term care facilities across the city to deliver flowers and take some time to show the love of Jesus to the elderly members of our church family.
For information, please contact Connely Lambert.
The Tender Loving Care Team
The TLC team walks alongside congregation members and neighbors in the community by reaching out over the phone or by writing a personal note. These notes celebrate exciting times and offer care, support, and encouragement during times of difficulty. This can be done from the location and at the time of your choosing. If you have the gift of gab or enjoy writing words of celebration and encouragement for others, we’d love to talk with you about becoming a part of this ministry!
For information, please contact Katrina Wilson.
Hospitality Team
Are you interested in serving as a Sunday morning greeter, helping with refreshments in the
Gathering Room, or assisting in worship as an usher? The Hospitality Team may be just the
serving opportunity you’ve been looking for and we’re ready for you to join!
Contact mailto:sbutler@stlukesmethodist.org.
The Garden Volunteer Team
We need your help welcoming youth, processing intake forms, directing youth to the spaces they are signed up for, answering questions and assisting with special events. If you would like to be on the Garden Volunteer Team, contact Amy Kelley.