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Rev. Ryan Trushenski and Katy McNew have a chat in the studio during a filming of St. Luke's Online Ministries.

St. Luke's Online

Church Anywhere

Welcome to St. Luke’s Online. 

From live-streamed and on-demand worship services to enriching classes, content, and resources, we hope St. Luke’s Online can be your connection to the life of St. Luke’s anytime, anywhere. 

At St. Luke's, we study the Bible as a way to grow closer to God and closer to each other. 

Explore the Bible in new and exciting ways by joining an online group or study:

Sunday School Group | Sundays | 10-10:45 a.m. | Zoom
Looking for something more on Sunday mornings? Our Online Sunday School Class meets 10-10:45 a.m. every Sunday. Each week, participants are guided through a group discussion and given resources for further self-study. It's a great way to stay connected with our St. Luke's community, but most importantly, to help us grow closer to Jesus. 
Zoom link to join the Class: 
Meeting ID: 810 7151 7904   Passcode: 180654
Sandy Murdock or John Holmes are the facilitators of the class, and look forward to “seeing” you online.

Moms of Littles | Led by Cindy Donaldson and Louise McEvoy
Tuesdays │ 9:30-10:30 a.m. | Online and In Person
Want to join a community of other moms to share in the joys and hardships of motherhood? We just were not made to do it alone. Together is better. Come find a place to find friendship, community, resources, and support as we grow in our faith together.
Register here

Men's Group | Thursdays, ongoing | 7-8 a.m. | Led by John Holmes
Welcome All Men. Build Community. Share God’s Love. Serve the World.
Join men of all ages in this ongoing group for Bible study and fellowship. Register here

Scripture+Shared is a church-wide Bible Study ministry for group (or individual) study, whether you meet in person or online. New studies are launched in the fall and spring each year and run from 6 - 10 weeks. The materials are written by St. Luke's pastors. Download the Scripture+Shared App for online Bible Studies with daily readings and videos- wherever you go!

If you are in a difficult season and need additional support, St. Luke's has a counseling center. The Nick Finnegan Counseling Center offers affordable online sessions (Texas residents only.) Learn more

Walking through Grief of the loss of a loved one or a painful divorce?
We hold Grief Share and Divorce Care small groups to help you process the pain and help you move forward.
Get connected here

Looking for help with addiction? AA online groups listed here

Family or friend of an alcoholic? Find online groups here

Interested in other support groups at St. Luke's? Find them here

Online Staff

Katie McNew

Director of Online Ministry

Main Campus

3471 Westheimer Road,
Houston, TX 77027


3471 Westheimer Road,
Houston, TX 77027


6856 Bellaire Blvd.
Houston, TX 77074