Finding engaging community in every age and stage of adulthood
We study the Bible to dig deeper and strive to learn everything we can about God's transforming love. We tell our stories to share with others how the Lord is still at work in the world and we make friends because our lives are changed when in community.
In a Sunday morning class, you will find opportunities to enrich your Christian education through the study of Scripture and other topics. As you develop friendships, you will be challenged to grow in your faith and continue to evolve as a disciple of Christ.
Class Descriptions
Couples or singles, all ages.
Common Ground
Couples and singles, 40+ with kids in elementary, middle, high school and college.
Married couples in their 30s, some with young children.
Families in Faith
Couples in their 30s, 40s and 50s, with school-aged children.
Married couples in their 40s and 50s, parents of children of all ages.
Gene Decker Study
Couples and singles, predominantly in their late 50s -70s.
Mostly couples, ages 50s-70s.
Good Will
All ages, couples and singles.
Parents in their mid-30s-40s with kids in Children’s Ministries on Sunday mornings.
Randy Smith Bible Study
Couples and singles, ages 50 to 85.
Open Arms
Couples or singles, ages 40s to 80s.
Not sure which class to try? Stop by the Connection Desk on Sunday morning or contact Louise McEvoy for guidance. Classes expect new visitors every week, so feel free to visit whenever you're ready!
We offer a variety of opportunities to encourage you to study the Bible, be active in prayer, share your story, grow in friendship, and give yourself away in generosity and service. We hope you find a place here to truly belong, celebrate the joys and weather the storms of life alongside others. Our desire is for you to become all God created you to be as you grow personally and spiritually through these offerings.
Group and class opportunities focus on a wide range of topics, including Bible study, book studies, theological studies, Christian living, and spiritual growth. These offerings range in size and meet weekly, monthly, and seasonally. We hope you'll find a group or class that is best for you as you continue to grow in your relationship with the Lord and others.
For more information, please contact Kathy Neely 713-402-5139.
Our goal is to provide opportunities for women to not only connect with others, but to develop a deeper connection with Jesus. Through small groups, Bible studies, luncheons, discussion groups, and other special events, there is a place for women to pray, study the Bible, make friends, share stories, and serve together. If you’d like more information about Women’s Ministry, please contact Louise McEvoy.
Find Groups and Studies for Women HERE.
Men’s Life with Senior Pastor, Dr. Tom Pace, meets for fall and spring sessions on Wednesday mornings at 6:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Dr. Tom Pace shares insights from scripture, science, and experience. More importantly, you can reflect on and share with others lessons from your own life journey. Learn more here.
Tuesdays | 6:30 a.m. | branches Building
Manly Men encourages men to grow in their spiritual lives and leadership as men who follow Jesus. The group typically reads a book, studies a video series, or hears teaching from Rev. Colin Bagby on a wide variety of topics.
Learn more here.
We have small group opportunities, lunches twice a month, and monthly meetups that we would love for you to be a part of. For more information, please contact Katie Brown and follow us on Instagram at @youngadults_slumc.
Cornerstone (Small Group for married couples, mid-20s to mid-late 30s, some with young children)
Join other married couples as we grow together in discipleship on Sunday mornings. This community takes an honest, faith-based approach to living out your marriage in a way that glorifies God and brings joy to your family. Contact Louise McEvoy for more information.
Connect with Young Adults at the Epworth League | Dinner and Worship Service 6-9 p.m.
The Epworth League is a city-wide ministry for 18-to-35-year-olds to provide community, foster discipleship, and equip leaders to love their neighbors and serve the Kingdom of God through local United Methodist churches. We’ll join together in this time to be especially intentional about praying for our city and our world. Follow on Instagram @epworthleaguetx. Contact Ginny for more information.
St. Luke’s Working Faith ministry encourages Christians to live authentically and purposefully as faithful people who are helping to build God’s kingdom. We help to remind one another that success in the workplace is not compromised by a commitment to living the Gospel. Rather, God blesses our work just as we bless others through our work. Our Working Faith ministry includes monthly breakfasts with local speakers, seasonal cohorts, and a mentor program. We hope you can join us for one or all of these opportunities. For more information, please contact Drew Scoggins.
Salt & Light Newsletters:
Inaugural Edition (8/19/24)
Labor Day Edition (9/2/24)
Faith into Practice (9/16/24)
Agape will Transform our Workplace (9/30/24)
Attitude of Gratitude at Work (10/14/24)
Be a Glowstick (10/28/24)
Spread all through the Town (11/11/24)
Small Business Insights (12/2/24)
Christmas Peace and Purpose (12/17/24)
Redeeming Your Resolutions (1/6/25)
Where Your Gifts Meet the World’s Great Needs (1/27/25)
Wesley & Organizational Values (2/12/25)
A More Excellent Way (2/26/25)