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St. Luke's Methodist Church Foundation

The Leaders of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church created the St. Luke’s Methodist Church Foundation in 1961 to benefit the programs and ministries of St. Luke’s. The purpose of the Foundation is to support the Church’s ability to provide quality ministries, outreach initiatives, building improvements and more, especially in challenging times.

Gifts to the Foundation are invested in perpetuity and managed with careful oversight by the Foundation’s Board of Directors. The investment earnings from these gifts help support the future needs of the Church’s mission to equip people to live and love like Jesus.

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What the Foundation Supports

Through its permanent endowment, the Foundation helps maintain the facilities and grounds for both the Westheimer and Gethsemane campuses. It also helps to support program costs related to music, children’s and adult ministries, and outreach. A small number of scholarships have also been established to benefit students graduating high school and continuing their college education.

Ways to Give to the Foundation

Gifts of Cash
The Foundation accepts outright gifts payable online, by check or through ACH.  Gifts can be given in honor or memory of someone.  If you prefer to make your gift online, please click HERE. Your gift will go to the Foundation's unrestricted general fund.

Estate Gifts
The simplest way to give is through a bequest in your will. You may also designate St. Luke’s as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance policy, bank account, or security.  These planned gifts can have immediate and/or long-term tax benefits.  Click HERE for more information about types of planned gifts.   

Please let us know if you have included St. Luke’s in your estate or financial plans. Click HERE for a bequest intention form you can return. All requests for information will remain confidential. 

Contact Jamie Grissom to discuss any of these giving opportunities or for any questions about the Foundation. 

We recommend that you consult with your tax, legal, or financial advisors concerning the specific details and consequences of making a Legacy Gift to St. Luke’s.

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St. Luke’s annually awards student scholarships established through St. Luke's Methodist Church Foundation. Click below to learn the unique criteria of each scholarship available.

Stewardship and Planned Giving

Jamie Grissom

Manager of Stewardship and Planned Giving

Main Campus

3471 Westheimer Road,
Houston, TX 77027


3471 Westheimer Road,
Houston, TX 77027


6856 Bellaire Blvd.
Houston, TX 77074