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About Us

Our Vision

A City Transformed by the Love of Jesus

The Bible’s story of God’s love for us begins in a garden but it ends in a city – the City of God. Here at St. Luke’s, all in our family of ministries share the same vision – A City Transformed by the Love of Jesus. We believe we are here for a reason: to be sent by Jesus, motivated by his love, to bring about God’s preferred future for the city in which we have been placed, and to invite people to be a part of the City of God.

The City of Houston

Our primary mission field

God tells the prophet Jeremiah to “seek the welfare of the city to which I have sent you.” (Jeremiah 29:7) Houston is our home, and we love this city, and our calling is to be an instrument of its transformation both socially and spiritually.

The City on a Hill

The Church

Jesus tells us that we are “the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” (Matthew 5:14) Our vision is a community that models the love of Jesus in the way we love one another. St. Luke’s is to be a foretaste of the Kingdom of God.

The City of God

God’s ultimate future

We believe that one day, God will restore his creation, that the broken places of the world will be healed, and that all will know of Jesus’ love for them. We strive to be a tangible sign to all, pointing them to the hope they have in Christ.

Our Mission

To equip families and Individuals to live and love like Jesus

And Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fish for people.” And immediately they left their nets and followed him. – Matthew 4:19-20

Welcome desk

To equip

God gave the Holy Spirit to the church “to equip the saints (you and me) for the work of ministry.” (Ephesians 4:12a) While it is the Holy Spirit that changes lives, it is our mission to provide the resources for participants in our ministry to grow and use their gifts in service.

A father and his two children hold drinks and snacks as they pose for the camera in St. Luke's Gathering Room, amidst a crowd of fellow worshippers.

families & individuals

Everybody is welcome at St. Luke’s church, and God has a purpose for each one of us. We feel a special calling to support families in the work of shaping the next generation of Christians. This is the business of everyone in our church, as we build relationships across generational lines.

Parents, young child, and senior adult play with baby

to live & love like jesus

Jesus invited his disciples to “Follow me.” He took disciples on his travels to show them a particular way of life. He called on them to live and serve and love as he did. We believe this is the way God uses us to help realize the vision—a city transformed by the love of Jesus.

Our 5 inside-out habits

Many organizations have values. At St. Luke’s church, we believe that values must be put into action, so our values are translated into five habits, designed to transform our hearts that we might take God’s love outside the church.

We pray and worship to build a closer relationship of love with Jesus Christ.

We study the Bible to dig deeper and learn everything we can about God’s love.

We make friends because lives are changed in community.

We tell our stories to share with others how God is still at work in the world.

We give ourselves away in generosity and service as apostles, sent by Jesus to be the good news in the world.

A woman welcomes a father carrying his child into their local church, inviting them to join in living and loving like Jesus.

Plan Your Visit

Welcome to St. Luke’s! Here’s everything you and your family want to know for your first visit.

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Main Campus

3471 Westheimer Road,
Houston, TX 77027


3471 Westheimer Road,
Houston, TX 77027


6856 Bellaire Blvd.
Houston, TX 77074