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Ready for More?

Path to Membership

If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to join St. Luke's and participate in passionate worship, faith-forming relationship, and ministries that make a difference.

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Step 1:

Coffee with the Pastor

Register Today

Coffee with the Pastor is a casual group gathering with Dr. Tom Pace, Senior Pastor at St. Luke’s. During Coffee with the Pastor, he will share his spiritual journey and invite you to examine your own. You will learn more about St. Luke’s vision, structure, mission and what it means to be a member of our church. Coffee with the Pastor is offered throughout the year. Register by selecting an upcoming date on the calendar below.
group of men and women join St. Luke's United Methodist Church
Step 2:

Joining Service

After Coffee

Immediately following Coffee with the Pastor, those who are ready to join St. Luke’s in membership are invited to do so. You may be transferring from another United Methodist church, coming from another denomination, or be joining a church for the first time.

If you aren't ready to join, while we hope you will consider becoming a member, we invite you to continue visiting as long as you wish.
A group of friends gather to study the Bible and have fellowship.
Step 3:

Starting Point

After Joining St. Luke's

We encourage you to attend Starting Point, a class designed to jumpstart our spiritual journeys, transforming our hearts, our relationships, and our city. Learn why we consider being in Christian community, having a strong personal relationship with Jesus, and serving others so important at St. Luke's with opportunities for reflection and discussion and practical ways to plug into the various ministries of St. Luke’s.
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Step 4:

Get Connected

Be Faithful in Worship

We encourage you to be faithful in your Sunday worship participation and to find at least one additional way to engage with St. Luke’s. Participation in a small group or service opportunity is a great way to begin.

Upcoming Dates

Connecting Team

Katie Brown

Director of Adult Ministries

Sarah Butler

Connecting Ministries Associate

Lauren Ruhl

Connecting Ministries Associate

Main Campus

3471 Westheimer Road,
Houston, TX 77027


3471 Westheimer Road,
Houston, TX 77027


6856 Bellaire Blvd.
Houston, TX 77074