For information about Lent and Easter at St. Luke's
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your gifts transform lives


We give ourselves away in generosity and service as apostles, sent by Jesus to be the good news in the world.

Giving is one of the key ways we worship God, and one of the ways we demonstrate our love for God and for our neighbors. Giving makes possible worship, programs for children and students, Bible studies & classes, pastoral care and support, mission trips, and community projects. As we give generously, our lives are transformed to look more like Jesus. We do not specify how much an individual should give, but hope each person will commit a percentage of their income and increase that amount as they are able.

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Easter Offering - Sewing Hope

This year's Easter offering will fund Home Sewing and Industrial Sewing classes for members of Baragumu, our African Fellowship worshiping community, and for others in the Gulfton/Sharpstown area.

Make a gift

Ways to Give a Gift

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St. Luke's Methodist Church Foundation

The leaders of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church created the St. Luke’s Methodist Church Foundation in 1961 to benefit the programs and ministries of St. Luke’s. The purpose of the Foundation is to support the Church’s ability to provide quality ministries, outreach initiatives, building improvements and more, especially in challenging times.
As a member of the St. Luke’s family, you have an important opportunity to perpetuate the mission of the church by leaving a gift to the St. Luke’s Methodist Church Foundation in your will. Gifts such as yours ensure the future of the church you love and the generations that will follow in your footsteps. Please consider leaving a bequest to the Foundation. Each and every gift has a lasting impact.

St. Luke's is grateful for your generosity

Stacey Brewer

Director of Finance

Melissa Labukas

Contributions Specialist

Jamie Grissom

Manager of Stewardship and Planned Giving

Main Campus

3471 Westheimer Road,
Houston, TX 77027


3471 Westheimer Road,
Houston, TX 77027


6856 Bellaire Blvd.
Houston, TX 77074