Giving is one of the key ways we worship God, and one of the ways we demonstrate our love for God and for our neighbors. Giving makes possible worship, programs for children and students, Bible studies & classes, pastoral care and support, mission trips, and community projects. As we give generously, our lives are transformed to look more like Jesus. We do not specify how much an individual should give, but hope each person will commit a percentage of their income and increase that amount as they are able.
This year's Easter offering will fund Home Sewing and Industrial Sewing classes for members of Baragumu, our African Fellowship worshiping community, and for others in the Gulfton/Sharpstown area.
You can donate at your convenience through the website or App.
Make checks payable to: St. Luke's United Methodist Chruch and mail to P.O. Box 22013, Houston, Texas 77227
Gifts given in memory of or in honor of someone are placed into St. Luke's Methodist Foundation.
Give from your IRA, 401K, or 403B directly to St. Luke's. If a donor is over 70 1/2 years old, a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) may count towards satisfying the donor's annual Required Minimum, Dedictopm (RMD).
Gifts can be made through your Charitable Trust Accounts, such as a Donor Advised Fund. A tax deduction can be taken when the fund is established, and the donor determines how the funds will be invested and to whom and when the funds may be given. For more information, please email Melissa Labukas, Contributions Specialist.