Governance leaders at St. Luke’s are entrusted with the strategic planning, decision-making, and policy implementation that enable the congregation to carry out the ministries of the church.
We take seriously the process of populating these governance bodies each year, and we value input from many voices. Our 2024 Lay Leadership Committee will review all applications and recommend a 2025 slate that balances backgrounds, gifts, and experiences. The slate will be voted upon at our February 2025 Church Conference. Contact Jennifer Gould with any questions.
The Church Council is the general governing body of SLUMC and envisions, plans, implements, and annually evaluates the mission and ministry of SLUMC.
The Advancement Committee ensures that SLUMC has the financial and other resources necessary to fulfill its mission and that the mission and programs are effectively communicated to the congregation and broader community.
The Board of Trustees provides supervision, oversight and care of all real property owned by SLUMC and serves as the board of directors of SLUMC’s legal existence.
The Finance and Operations Committee provides stewardship of SLUMC’s financial resources as well as counsel and oversight of SLUMC’s operations.
The Lay Leadership Committee is charged with identifying, developing, deploying, evaluating and monitoring lay Christian spiritual leadership for SLUMC.
The Staff/Parish Relations Committee assists pastors and staff in maintaining holistic health and work-life balance, assessing their gifts, and setting priorities for leadership and service.
Online nomination/application process begins and forms are available below
Deadline for submitting a nomination form
November-December 2024
Lay Leadership Committee thoughtfully considers each application and creates an initial slate
Mid-January 2025
Lay Leadership Committee presents slate to the Church Council for approval
Nominations slate is voted upon by the congregation at our Church Conference
Thank you for nominating a member to serve in a leadership role at St. Luke's.
Please complete this application if you have been nominated by another person or would like to nominate yourself.