Tiffanie Villasana 

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 

I was so excited to see us talking about the book of Proverbs this month, and I was bound and determined to talk about something super wise from one of my favorite books of the Bible. My initial reaction was to write on discernment. 

Then one morning in early December, I got a phone call from a close family member. She had received some bad news—some life-changing and devastating news—and she was calling to share with me. My heart sank. This news came at the worst, most inopportune time. This family member was figuring life out for herself and was finally putting one foot in front of the other, living for God, AND heading in the right direction. Though devastated by the blow of the news, I told her that day to not lose faith and said that we would give it to God and trust that God would direct our next steps. I basically quoted Proverbs 3:5-6 to her that day. 

These two verses in Proverbs have been my most favorite verses in the Bible since before I could remember. I clung to those verses growing up and now found myself reciting these verses to my sister decades later. I knew at that moment these verses (cliché as they may be) would be the scripture behind this devotional. 

When I read Proverbs 3:5-6 I’m reminded of what God has taught me.

  • God never said “understand me”—rather he said, “trust me.” 
  • To trust means to believe. To trust means to wait. To trust means to be obedient. 
  • Saying “I don’t know” isn’t a sign of weakness. Rather it’s the heart of humility that God desires from us—especially when we are looking to him for the answers. 
  • To acknowledge means to recognize the authority or status of and to make it genuine or valid. In my family member’s situation, it also meant to disclose knowledge or be in agreement with past mistakes.
  • To direct means to point, extend or project in a specified line or course. To direct means to regulate the activities or course of, to carry out the organizing or energizing of, to train and lead performances of, or to dominate and determine the course of.  

God never promised our paths would be paved and smooth. By my estimation, my life path has looked pretty steep at times and has had many pot-holes along the way. I think that we learn to appreciate our “straight paths” more when our paths start out rocky.

God never promised that in trusting him we wouldn’t have to give up the things our earthly bodies crave and love—like my sense of being in control. I imagine God standing in front of me, arms open wide, saying “Give it to me, trust me” while I stand there clinging to, gripping tightly, and loving MY control over my life and my family.

God never promised us our timing either. God did promise the ability for patience, though, through the Holy Spirit. We are encouraged to wait for God’s answers and believe in God’s miracles (Ephesians 3:20). I can’t count how many times in my life I understood better, looking back because God knew a better answer and the timing was perfect. Retrospectively it’s when the dominoes fell in my life just as they should have—in their perfect chain reaction. 

When we do the above—trust and acknowledge—then we can fully believe in, transparently see the goodness of Jesus, and relax in his presence and blessings in the end. 

Jesus, help me to fully trust and give it all to you —not just in the rough times, but the good times too. Help me to acknowledge you—not just in the rough times, but in the good times too. And finally direct my path—not just in the rough times, but in the good times too. Amen.