Rachel Fisher, Children’s Ministries Communications Specialist

Proverbs 25:16 (NIV)
If you find honey, eat just enough—
    too much of it, and you will vomit.

If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, I think I would choose popcorn. Its mouth-watering delight is found in the happiest of places: movie theaters, amusement parks, even draped on Christmas trees. Ever since I was a child, my mom and I have made “good popcorn” on our stovetop popper, complete with a handheld crank and decades of grease build-up. Two tablespoons of olive oil and one-third cup of Orville Redenbocker kernels are mixed together on low heat until the glorious popping noise is heard for several minutes. As soon as the pot goes quiet, the popcorn gets poured into two giant bowls. Melted butter and salt are drizzled into the mounds of popcorn, and movie night may officially commence.

The only problem is that most movies last about an hour and a half, yet it takes me approximately five minutes to devour my whole bowl of popcorn. Going to see films on the big screen offers the solution of a giant bucket of popcorn…but that then requires drinking a ridiculous amount of soda, thus missing a part of the movie in order to resolve the soda consumption problem… Regardless of the situation, I almost always eat too much, inevitably expressing regret over not showing moderation and pacing myself with the present popcorn portions. 

So why then, if popcorn causes me such heartache, do I keep coming back?

For one thing, it is not popcorn’s fault that I cannot seem to control myself. Popcorn is perfect. However, in my impatience, I am not. When popcorn is treated with the respect it deserves, savored with each bite, it is cherished and more importantly, appreciated. In the times I really pause to reflect on its significance, popcorn no longer becomes just an edible treat. I revel in the memories of time spent with my family, bonding over our shared interests, and enjoying a moment of fun. I allow myself the opportunity to slow down and witness what God can do when he brings people together, how much life can pulse through a sweet ritual, even one as simple as watching a film together.

Perhaps your “popcorn” differs from mine. But whether it is money or power or popularity, know there is a fine line when it comes to the things we covet. James 1:17 (NIV) tells us, “Everything good comes from God. Every perfect gift is from him.” Just be sure you do not cross the line of indulgence, for God’s generosity can only be truly valued when we humble ourselves to see his glory over our own gluttony.

Dear Lord, thank you for desiring for us to be happy. Help us to see all the ways in which you love us, through fellowship with others and your many gifts presented in our lives. May we be guided to your goodness, resisting the temptation to pursue false idols. Amen.