Thank you for good neighbors, the man who was thinking of us at the farmer’s market and so brought over fresh vegetables for Dee and a stuffed pork chop for me! How nice was that. Such a simple thing, and so thoughtful. What a great way to serve.
Thank you for the worship team and the media team who work so hard to make our worship services excellent. We pastors have our faces in front of folks, but the artists and techs behind the scene work so many hours to pay attention to every detail. They provide such an amazing service.
As school begins, teachers all over will set out to attempt to manage a whole new world of education, putting their own health on the line to care for students, all the while struggling with the crazy way they have to do education right now. These are people who serve families and children and the greater good every year, but we appreciate them all the more right now. Thank you so much for them and for their servant hearts.
Every day, our custodial crew empties the trash and vacuums my office and cleans up after me. I don’t even notice it. But service is just what they do. I could go on and on about all the people who serve – first responders and bus drivers and waitstaff, nurses and physicians and utility workers, grocery store checkers, and delivery drivers. Thank you for all of them.
God, you came to be among us as a servant king. I know you will give me opportunities to shine your light and spread your love through service this very day. Show me someone to serve and how to do it. Let me not miss those opportunities. Make me a servant today. Amen.