My prayer today an excerpt from a prayer by Dr. Durwood Fleming in 1948, attached to a sermon entitled “The Future Belongs to Those Who Choose.” It was sent to me by Mrs. Herschel Wood. Perhaps it will speak to you as it has to me.

O God, our Father, in whose almighty hand our future lies, bring us into the peace of Thy Presence that we may consider the deep meaning of our origin, reflect on our purpose in life, and view in sincerity and soberness our personal destiny…

All the world is darkness, and we cannot pray except we pray through grateful selves. We are thankful unto thee, even as we are thankful to our parents for their confidence, faith, devotion, and inspiring expectancy. We do not deserve on the basis of merit all the things which have come to us; this makes us indebted unto Thee and to others for eternity, and arouse new feelings of thankfulness within us. 

Save us from weak resignation, creating in us a splendor which will hold us through life. Save us to a life of purpose and usefulness, and support us in the belief that we are meant for high attainments. Let us not succumb in the face of difficult problems nor dissipate ourselves in undisciplined living… Let no narrow minds confound us; no intolerance, snobbishness, bigotry, or hatred besiege us. As we have received, let us have the grace to grant unto others the same rights which we hold dear for ourselves.

Make us to be worthy citizens, developers of this nation which thou canst trust and bless. Let us serve her in righteous love and humane service. May our democracy, purged of its fears and confessing its failures, become an inspiring and emancipating power for world stability and human security. 

And at long last bring us through this strife to the attainment of peace within our own minds and peace among men everywhere and forevermore. For we pray in the name and spirit of Christ, our Lord. Amen.