Rev. Katie Montgomery Mears

Good morning God, 

It is so easy to grumble and complain about life (“it’s 2020”) but the truth is, I have so much to be grateful for. I want to change my perspective and let thankfulness be the leading edge in my life.  So on this Thanksgiving morning, I am practicing the discipline of gratitude by naming before you the blessings in my life: 

The love and grace of Jesus Christ, through whom I am able to have a personal relationship with you! 

A precious daughter who keeps us on our toes, and a loving husband who is endlessly supportive. 

Friends that remind me that the storm clouds will pass and who hold me up in the meantime. 

Coffee. My mom’s banana bread. Fried chicken. Crawfish. That I have enough to eat without worry. 

A car that gets me places and a warm house that gives us shelter. 

Books, which are my favorite escape. Meaningful work. Technology that allows us to stay connected.

Medical care when I need it, and also that I am generally healthy enough to not need much of it.

For the things that were hard pills to swallow in real time, but that are my most valuable lessons now. 

The Holy Spirit’s presence with me, which gives me joy, purpose, hope, endurance, and comfort.


Now it’s your turn!  Take a minute to grab a piece of paper or open the Notes app on your phone and write a prayer thanking God for the gifts in your life. 

Psychologists tell us that making a list of things for which we’re grateful before bed actually helps you sleep better (Martin Seligman’s “three good things”)!  Refer back to the prayer as you go to bed and see what you can add to it. 

Happy Thanksgiving!