As the daughter of a Methodist preacher, I moved around a lot.  I didn’t really have a church home.  When my husband and I found St. Luke’s I felt so blessed to have found a community to surround not only our marriage but our growing family.  We joined a Sunday school class and met and came to know lifelong friends who supported us as we went through good times and bad.  Our children attended St. Luke’s Day School and I became very involved in the parent organization.  School book fairs and vacation bible school put my creative mind to work and I learned so much from the wonderful women that I worked with on so many projects.  The loving environment that the church provides for that program helped not only my mothering skills but gave our children a solid foundation on which their faith could grow.

In later years, our children were very involved in the youth program at St. Luke’s as well.  Helping the youth staff transition to a larger program and build a new building was a highlight of my volunteer work at the church.  Our girls went on mission trips, attended weekly bible study and my husband and I watched as their faith became their own.  Now our girls are eager to share their faith with younger children and are confident in defending their beliefs as they attend college and meet people with differing views.  I know that our involvement with the church and the lessons that our youth leaders taught them played a large part in helping them become the young women they are today.

I am so thankful that we found a church home in St. Luke’s.  This wonderful community has given us friends, faith, and provided an unwavering witness to the power of the Holy Spirit through its members.  St. Luke’s has been invaluable in helping to raise our children to be Christ-loving, enthusiastic, and faithful believers.  How blessed we are to be a part of the work of Christ and to be able to pass it on to the next generation!