Hebrews 10:23-25:

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.



Texas is football country…can I get an Amen?! Now, I’m not exactly a dyed-in-the-wool football enthusiast, but I do my best to keep up. It’s nice that I can be a solo football fan, supporting my team from my couch, checking the score on my phone while waiting in line at HEB, in between tasks in my everyday life. 


But oh, to be in the stadium with 47,000 of my closest friends! Something changes when I add my excitement for the game to that of others (wearing our maroon 12th Man jerseys, of course). Celebrating a win is so much more fun together! Even if the game doesn’t turn out the way we want, there is comfort in being around other fans. We can remind each other that the season’s not over, the team still played hard, hope is not lost.


I think hope is a little like watching football. We as followers of Jesus are called to “hold unswervingly to the hope we profess.” Each of us holds the hope that God’s Kingdom will come, that all wrongs will be made right, that Jesus will continue to sit on his throne.


But oh, to hold that hope together with our sisters and brothers in Christ! Something holy happens when we make hope a team sport – when we encourage one another, cheer for one another when hope is fulfilled, sit with each other when hope’s flame is threatening to extinguish all together. 


We see this theme often in scripture, and it’s especially clear here: spur one another on, continue to be in community, encourage one another. It seems that God knows we will all face a season that feels bereft of hope at some point in our lives, so he gives us clear instructions through Paul to stay committed to the team, even when we think we don’t need a team.


So as we draw closer to Christmas, a day of hope that is often a day full of conflicting emotions and expectations, I will remember that hope is not mine to carry alone – I have a whole team surrounding me who are all sharing in the hope of God’s Kingdom come.



God, thank you for the promise of your Kingdom come. Help me to remember that I’m not expected or even designed to carry hope by myself – I am part of a community of believers who can encourage and lift one another up in all seasons. Come, Lord Jesus. Amen.