Craig Lafollette, Member since 1988, Goodwill class

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 16:3
Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

Chris and I moved to Houston in September of 1980. I took a job with a small real estate development company, where a good friend worked. I had little experience in real estate, but the Houston real estate market was on fire. Big buildings were being built all over town, helicopters were always flying around, stretch limos lined the sidewalks, and money was streaming into Houston. Houston was considered one of the hottest markets in the country, and I had a place at the table WOW! The town was electric, and the amount of excitement was unbridled. I had found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 

Well after two years, that pot of gold was beginning to look like a wheelbarrow full of coal. In 1983, people began to realize the bloom was off the rose for the energy industry and Houston’s economy compounded by the failure of the savings and loan industry nationally. That excitement I wrote about earlier turned into anxiety and the glass became half full.  

In the fall of 1984, a friend, Ken, moved to Houston and went to work as our in-house counsel. Ken was smart, humble, and a Christian. Looking back, there is NO question God sent Ken to me. I was depressed about the market, anxious about my future, and couldn’t seem to be able to put any kind of plan together. I knew Jesus and the Holy Spirit, but the relationship was weak. Then Ken invited me to Bible Study Fellowship, and God started bringing me closer to Him. BSF is a strong program that requires a lot of reading from the Bible, daily homework and weekly lectures, and small group sessions. BSF is scheduled to take 7 years to complete all the courses. I participated for 13 years. It was like I couldn’t get enough. Feeling the presence of God and knowing the Holy Spirit was there for me brought such peace and took away the depression and anxiety and turned my outlook from half full to brimming over.  

Earlier, I had not been able to come up with a plan for the future. God was making my path straight, and this is when Proverbs 3: 5-6 and Proverbs 16:3 brought new meaning to my life. After a lot of Bible study and deep conversations with God, I was led to trust in the Lord with all my heart and give God the glory in all that I did.

I had gained a lot of good real estate experience during some really tough circumstances, but I was being led into a long, fruitful, and gratifying career. So, feeling led by God and the Holy Spirit, in August of 1985 I joined CB Richard Ellis to sell apartment buildings. On top of starting a career fraught with difficulty, the pay was based upon commission only, no salary. During the nine months it took to sell my first deal, I continued to attend BSF to study scripture and prayed consistently. There were some doubtful times and sleepless nights, but the Holy Spirit strengthened me. I worked hard, maintained integrity, and developed a good reputation in the industry, which allowed the number of my transactions to consistently grow.

I had been in a dark spot in 1984. The light was dim. At what seemed like the darkest moment is when God grabbed a hold of me God had led and supported me down a road not built of my own doing but by God’s will. My church attendance became more regular. My family life improved. Our giving and charitable work increased. The anxiety and depression departed. I became much more active at St. Luke’s. I committed my work to the Lord, and through that work had opportunities to bring others to Christ. Through trusting in the Lord and putting my trust in him my path was made straight which included a beautiful family and a successful career. 

Thanks be to God.  

Father God, dear Jesus, Holy Spirit, I have so much to be thankful for. Please help me be a blessing for others and share what you have given me. I love you, Father. Please help me to love you more and put my trust in you. Amen.