7 01, 2020

The Randy Smith Class – Miriam Slemmons

2020-01-29T16:03:30-06:00January 7th, 2020|75|0 Comments

The Randy Smith Bible Class was formed in 1972 by Wm. Randolph Smith, his wife, Ann Pickett Smith, Clyde and Jody Jackson, Faerie Marston and Miriam S. Slemmons after they had attended a retreat at Laity Lodge, established by the Howard E. Butt Foundation on the Frio River north of Leakey, Texas. Dr. J. Kenneth Shamblin, St. Luke’s Senior Pastor at the time, was concerned about a layperson teaching the Bible, but graciously consented to the class’ founding and Randy as its first teacher. Randy’s father was Bishop A. Frank Smith, but Randy had chosen to become an [...]

7 01, 2020

Memories of St. Luke’s – Jeff Hoover

2020-01-23T09:41:29-06:00January 7th, 2020|75, All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

Although my memory isn’t especially clear on this, this clipping from an early 1954 Houston Chronicle article shows that my sister, my cousin, and I (among others age 6) “took attendance honors” for the Carol Choir of St. Luke’s. Eighteen months later, my family moved away from Houston. My next St. Luke’s memory was in 1965 while visiting Rice University as a college option. My family sat in the balcony and I was in awe of the amazing church service. The choir procession and the music really caught my attention. I also remember being unable to figure out [...]

2 01, 2020

The Impact St. Luke’s Has Had On My Life – Joanne Mueller

2020-01-23T13:31:31-06:00January 2nd, 2020|75, All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

You can’t imagine the impact St. Luke’s has had on my life. Sixty-six years ago, when Carl and I came to St. Luke’s with our infant son in 1954, I was 23 years old, and St. Luke’s was a neighborhood church.  Friends of ours were members and invited us to the church. We loved it and stayed. I dove right in and taught kindergarten Sunday School, and Jan and Debbie Agee were two of my students. I sang in the Chancel Choir for years when Bob Bennett was the Choirmaster. I grew in my faith and my knowledge [...]

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