30 01, 2020

From the family of Dr. James W. Moore

2020-01-30T14:29:11-06:00January 30th, 2020|75|0 Comments

Dearest Friends, The James W. Moore family has been blessed, beyond measure, during the 22 years (1984-2006) that we were privileged to serve with the wonderful members and friends at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church. Also, it was our pleasure to be there for the delightful and meaningful 50th-year anniversary celebration.  Then just ten years later, St. Luke’s UMC got to celebrate another decade, with the lovely 60th anniversary and birthday party.  Both events were celebrated in the Fellowship Hall, which was filled with lots of love and laughter. Congratulations on your 75th anniversary!  We wish God’s abundant blessings for Houston’s beacon St. [...]

28 01, 2020

My Faith Journey by Jack Browder

2020-01-28T16:42:37-06:00January 28th, 2020|75|0 Comments

My faith journey is boring and uneventful compared to that of many members of St. Luke’s.  I was born a Methodist in Groesbeck with Methodist parents and Methodist grandparents and great grandparents on my father’s side.  When my parents moved the family to Pecos in west Texas during the summer after my first grade, my parents joined the First Methodist church and I and my two siblings and another sibling born in Pecos joined the church after each completed the confirmation class.  Growing up we all went to church and the children also went to Sunday School.  My parents were [...]

28 01, 2020

Some of Our Most Memorable Life Events by Carlisle Brock

2020-01-29T16:02:35-06:00January 28th, 2020|75|0 Comments

Both my husband, Cullen, and I grew up attending the church. However, we didn’t meet until years later as he was one year ahead of me. We both received our 3rd grade Bibles and were both baptized and confirmed there. Then, in 2012, we were married at St. Luke’s and in 2017, our daughter, Genevieve, was baptized in the church. I don’t have any photos from childhood but have included photos from our wedding and our daughter’s baptism. We feel blessed that St. Luke’s been the setting of some of our most memorable and important life events and will continue [...]

28 04, 2020

We Thank God Every Night for Our Church by Pat and Jack Vaughan

2020-04-29T10:29:22-05:00April 28th, 2020|75|0 Comments

We were high school sweethearts at Lamar High School and we were married in 1968 (51 years ago) by Dr. Shamblin. We have been blessed with our two children, Jack and Meredith, and with our grandson Matthew. All three were baptized at St. Luke's and Jack and Meredith grew up attending Sunday School at St. Luke's. Our daughter was also married at St. Luke's by Rev. Ron Morris. Our son is engaged to be married at St. Luke's in November with Rev. Denham presiding. In recent years we have been blessed to lead the Christian Friends program and more recently the Gathering Room [...]

27 01, 2020

A look back – Photos from Kelton Ro-Trock

2020-01-31T13:53:31-06:00January 27th, 2020|75|0 Comments


24 01, 2020

My Third Grade Bible by Patty Dickson

2020-01-28T15:10:36-06:00January 24th, 2020|75|0 Comments

There are a lot of things that are very different at St. Luke’s today compared to when I received my third grade Bible. Some things, however, will never change. I was in the third grade in 1955 when I received my Bible. The bookplate on the inside is signed by Durwood Fleming who was the senior pastor at the time. Today, third graders receive their Bibles in front of the congregation. In 1955, I recall that they were just passed out one day in Sunday School with none of the fanfare that surrounds them now. There was not a special [...]

24 01, 2020

View the 3rd Grade Bible Photo Gallery

2020-01-31T08:41:45-06:00January 24th, 2020|75|0 Comments

23 01, 2020

St. Luke’s is My Family by Tine Purvis

2020-01-23T15:38:34-06:00January 23rd, 2020|75|0 Comments

On January 4, 2015, we walked into St. Luke’s as members who had just lost their twins at 25 weeks. We were lost souls and didn't know what to do next. The grief was raw, but that day we felt God was showing us a sign we needed to go to church. During the service we opened our hymnals and sang, This is a Day of New Beginnings. Then I knew I was in the right place at the right time. We didn't always sign in when we went to church, but that day we did sign in and left [...]

13 01, 2020

Thank You for My Church, by Cindy Pierce

2020-01-23T09:39:56-06:00January 13th, 2020|75, All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

This note was given to the Pierces on the 50th anniversary of St. Luke's founding by their grandson Allen Pierce, age 6. In 1945, my mother and father-in-law, Betty R. Pierce (96) and the late George F. Pierce, Jr. were a young married couple in their twenties with a child and one on the way.  George’s uncle, Bishop A. Frank Smith, invited them to the organizational meetings for a “new church in the west of Houston." George said, “He wanted me to be involved in the beginning stages of this new church that he knew was going [...]

13 01, 2020

What is your story? – Catherine Washington

2020-01-29T16:02:04-06:00January 13th, 2020|75|0 Comments

When I was asked to share a story in worship, I really thought it would be an easy task to think of one because so many of my stories come from here. I was baptized here, confirmed here, I sang in Pure Sound, my husband and I were married here and we are now raising our 2 children here. But milestones are not a story...  

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