Are you weary in a chaotic and busy world? Are you looking for rest for your soul? God does not celebrate us because we are busy! Come during January and learn how to “slow me down, Lord,” so you can experience God’s rest for your weary soul. 

Jesus says “Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-30


Here’s encouragement for your slow me down journey!

Text  “SlowMeDown” (no spaces) to 97000 to receive weekday prompts January 9–January 30.

(Week 1: Saying No)

Monday, Jan. 9
Trust that God will still love you exquisitely, especially as you claim time to be still today.

Tuesday, Jan. 10
Schedule an hour of sabbath rest this week. Mark it on your calendar.

Wednesday, Jan. 11
God hasn’t called you to do all the things. What can you say no to today?

Thursday, Jan 12
Perfectionism is exhausting. Where can you linger and give yourself more grace today?

Friday, Jan 13
Breathe and listen. Are there kind words you need to hear from Jesus

(Week 2- Seeing people as people)

Monday, Jan. 16
Imagine each person as you look at their Christmas card and pray that they would slow to feel God’s love.

Tuesday, Jan. 17
Reflect on these words of St Terese of Liseaux:  “Love those God has placed closest to you. Do not go looking for more fascinating people to love.”

Wednesday, Jan 18
Can you create margin by delegating some of your load? Ask God for wisdom and a helper.

Thursday, Jan 19
As you prepare to eat, pray a blessing on the people who grew the food, harvested, sold, cooked and presented it.

Friday, Jan 20
Ask God to eliminate your divided attention today. Stay present to those around you.

Week 3 (bask in Jesus)

Monday, Jan. 23
Take the time to savor your coffee or tea instead of gulping it down. Smell the aroma. Feel the warmth of the mug. Give thanks.

Tuesday, Jan. 24
Where is one place you can linger today? Walking from your car to the office. That moment when you find yourself in a quiet place?

Wednesday, Jan 25
Literally slow down. Drive the speed limit. Experiencing slowness on a physical level will help you slow down mentally and emotionally.

Thursday, Jan 26
Awaken to the presence of God in the room with you. Notice what God has for you today. Linger in that unexpected moment.

Friday, January 27
If your pain could speak, what would it say? Take time to invite God’s love and grace to that area today.

Monday, January 30
As we read this last prompt, Lord- please slow us down today and continually. May we take hold of this gift of slowness so that we focus on you and not the circumstances and demands of each day, for your yoke is easy and you are gentle and humble in heart. In you we will find rest for our souls.

Watch Weekly Messages

Who’s Counting?
January 8

Who Touched Me?
January 15

The Better Part
January 22

Peace of Mind
January 15