20 10, 2017

The Scenic Route, by Rev. Katie Montgomery Mears

2017-10-20T10:53:54-05:00October 20th, 2017|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

From the time I was born, I have been so fortunate to be surrounded by people that have shared the love of Jesus with me. I grew up in a Christian household and was very involved in my home church in Louisiana — active in the mission and outreach group, participated in children’s and youth ministry, and was formed by leaders who took the time to disciple me and encourage my faith. When I went away to college, one of the things that grounded me was campus ministry. During my time at SMU, I led and organized Bible [...]

20 10, 2017

You Said My Name

2017-10-20T10:45:58-05:00October 20th, 2017|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYERGod,“Lord, you have come to the lakeshore, and while smiling, have spoken my name.” I love that hymn, God. We will sing it at my funeral. Ok, they will sing it at my funeral. (I am not sure I get to decide what we sing in the choir of saints around your throne, which is where I am counting on being. If I get to sing along, I will join in loudly!) I always hear you calling my name, calling me forward, beckoning me to whatever you have in store for me. Each moment, you are preparing me for the [...]

13 10, 2017

The Big To-Do

2017-10-13T09:19:38-05:00October 13th, 2017|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:3 When you’re on the business end of ministry, it’s easy to get caught up in tasks. Launching Scripture+Shared was, and still is, a task-heavy project. Planning curriculum, booking spaces, ordering tech equipment for small groups—the list goes on. But here’s the amazing thing: tasks serve a purpose, and when we cross things off the list, we don’t count them as complete; we count them as passed to God, and God moved quickly and in big ways. On the marketing side, we began advertising the [...]

13 10, 2017

Take a Chill Pill

2017-10-13T09:09:54-05:00October 13th, 2017|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYER God, The prophets who speak for you come in all shapes and forms. Yesterday, a colleague said “Pace! Woah… would you just relax. Geez Louise.” I think that was you, using him as your voice. Then this morning, I heard you singing through my earbuds, using the voice of Paul McCartney, “Speaking words of wisdom… Let it be, yeah, let it be.” Then someone told me to take a chill pill. Perhaps I am pushing too hard. Too many “get to work” emails. Too much “what have you done for Jesus today?” sorts of talks. I am convicted by [...]

6 10, 2017

Let’s Move! by Tyler Neely

2017-10-06T09:10:31-05:00October 6th, 2017|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

We are truly blessed people. As people who have the luxury of knowing about Jesus and his infinite love for us, we should never stop being grateful. In Student Ministries, we try to put this idea to work in the lives of our students through our Move Houston service projects. The idea is to get our students off their couches on a lazy Saturday every month, get them up and moving in our Houston community, show others how grateful we are for Jesus’ love and show it to others through acts of service. Each of you should use [...]

6 10, 2017

Spiritual Coasting

2017-10-06T08:55:02-05:00October 6th, 2017|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYER              God,You call me to run the good race, to finish strong, not to rest on my laurels. But I confess to you that sometimes I am just coasting. I pray the way I have always prayed. I worship the way I have always worshipped. I love others the way I have always loved. Too often, I simply take the path of least resistance. Forgive me, God. I know that real spiritual growth takes investment, and a willingness to be different today than I was yesterday, and different tomorrow than I am today. Worse yet, sometimes I even feel like I am [...]

4 10, 2017

Being in a LIFT Group, by Michael Shook

2017-10-16T16:11:31-05:00October 4th, 2017|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

When I was asked to write a short statement on my experience of being in a LIFT group and studying Scripture+Shared with my group, I actually looked forward to telling the story. And then came Hurricane Harvey and the events of the last weeks have reinforced even more why small groups are so important at St. Luke’s.If you wanted the standard story, you would hear from me about theological learnings and the shaping of my own beliefs through studying and discussing the lessons with our group. You would hear from me about how, even as the “leader”, I learn [...]

4 10, 2017

Helping the Helpers, by Christy Parsons

2017-10-04T11:41:29-05:00October 4th, 2017|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|1 Comment

Helpers came in many forms to rescue Texans in Harvey’s wake. In the beginning, they were Texans helping Texans, however, with the arrival of the Cajun Navy we quickly transitioned into Americans helping Americans. We all sat in horror as we watched our friends being rescued from their rooftops by Coast Guard helicopters and wept tears of joy as we watched caravans of police cars from across the country come in to relieve our exhausted first responders. It was a different type of caravan that descended on St Luke’s UMC. Red Cross volunteers from almost every state, including [...]

4 10, 2017

The Power of Fellowship, by Louise McEvoy

2017-10-04T11:25:31-05:00October 4th, 2017|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

Robert and I are active members of the Fellowship Class. It is our Sunday morning home. Our class consists of families with children of all ages. We, like many other families at St. Luke's, are very involved in our children's activities and it makes non-Sunday gatherings quite a challenge at times. That is, until Harvey. As the roads dried up and the reality of the destruction set in, we all had one goal —to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Immediately. In addition, there are only so many days of cabin fever you can take when you [...]

4 10, 2017

Recovery Mode

2017-10-04T11:17:25-05:00October 4th, 2017|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

When disaster strikes, the church responds, and when your church is located in the heart of some of the most diverse communities in one of the nation’s largest cities, it responds quickly. Gethsemane and their neighbors in Sharpstown and Gulfton are on higher ground, so flooding was not their main concern. But they did have another problem. Many of their congregation depends on hourly wages to make ends meet, and they couldn’t get to work. Add to that HISD shutting down for an additional week, and you see a pretty difficult financial situation. The Christian Community Service Center [...]

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