10 01, 2019

You Are Worthy, by Rachel Fisher

2019-01-10T11:02:52-06:00January 10th, 2019|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

In October 2001, Jane Williams called my name while Dr. Moore shook my hand in the St. Luke’s Sanctuary, and I will never forget my excitement that morning. As eager as I was to be gifted a shiny, new book, it was the actual presentation of my Third Grade Bible that was most exhilarating. This rite of passage was so powerful because these leaders whom I had admired my whole life were entrusting me with something sacred…it was the first time I remember feeling like a valued member of this community. Third Grade Bibles was the beginning of [...]

4 01, 2019

Practicing Gratitude, by Amanda Sorena

2019-01-04T09:24:49-06:00January 4th, 2019|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

In early 2018, during our Tuesday Moms Bible Study, Julie Ellerbrock handed out color slips of paper wrapped with a bright gold bow and issued us all a challenge – write down your daily gratitudes and put them in a jar. On New Year's Eve, read them aloud as a family. I have always liked the *idea* of practicing gratitude daily but had been terrible at follow through. I vowed to be different this year. I bought a jar and set it on the kitchen counter with the hopes that mere proximity would serve as an adequate reminder. [...]

4 01, 2019

Starting the year with gratitude

2019-01-04T08:50:56-06:00January 4th, 2019|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYER Gift Giving God, I don't understand why I do not always, always, always feel grateful. How do I grumble when you have blessed me so much? Why do I feel this sense of entitlement and resentment, when I have been given so much? So God, in order to change my mindset, let me say thank you and bring to the front of my mind the gratitude that is in my heart. Thank you, God, for (in no particular order)... Your love, made flesh in Jesus Christ, and the eternal abundant life that I have in a relationship with [...]

28 12, 2018


2018-12-28T08:45:35-06:00December 28th, 2018|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYER God of hope, I have all sorts of thoughts about a new year. There are things I hope to accomplish and things I hope to change. I know you call me to keep growing, to keep moving forward on my own journey of discipleship. I am reminded that discipline and discipleship are related words, and that my own growth means I will have to do some things differently. Some of them are the same things I have been working on for years. I need your help, God. Some of these things I know I cannot change without your power, [...]

21 12, 2018

The Jesus Birthday Party, by Savannah Burch

2018-12-24T09:59:11-06:00December 21st, 2018|All blogs|0 Comments

When I was a teenager, my family was invited last-minute to a party on Christmas Eve. We had planned to exchange gifts that evening (and maybe sample the desserts we’d been baking all day), but the Galvans were a fun family with kids my sister and I liked, so we decided to go to their party instead. What we walked into was NOT, however, a Christmas party. Oh no. It was a no-holds-barred birthday bash. Streamers hanging from the ceiling! Munchies and games for the kiddos! Party music! And an enormous “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” banner hanging from the mantle. We [...]

21 12, 2018

O Come Let Us Adore Him

2018-12-21T13:12:48-06:00December 21st, 2018|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYER God of love, I confess that it is hard to keep love for your Son at the center of my heart this season. Seems like I am even more distracted by deadlines and tasks to do than ever. And I confess that much of the time, the familiarity of the Christmas message makes it feel less incredible to me than it really is. I find myself going through the motions. I have taken you for granted, God. I have let my sense of amazement grow cold. How unbelievable is the story of a God who, "did not [...]

14 12, 2018

Christmas Festival, by Sid Davis

2018-12-14T11:10:43-06:00December 14th, 2018|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

I once heard someone say, “When you listen to the radio, you don’t want to hear one piece of music in this style, then another that’s completely different, and on and on…do you?” Why yes.  As a matter of fact, that’s exactly what I want. It’s not that I don’t love big categories of music, it’s just that I believe every piece of music benefits from contrast. Rather like putting an antique next to Eames. Both pieces benefit. It’s that “shopping technique,” if you will, that helps to form this morning - this Christmas Festival. I admit I’m constantly [...]

14 12, 2018

The Holy Family

2018-12-14T08:48:20-06:00December 14th, 2018|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYER God, I love my family. I must admit, I am a little too proud of them - all of them. Oh, we are clearly not perfect, and you know that. You know our "stuff" and the tensions and challenges that show up. But you know, too, God, that we work through them because we are "compelled by love" to do so. (2 Corinthians 5:14) And during Christmastime, I am especially thankful to you for my family. What an incredibly amazing gift. You put us here in families. More importantly, though, you came as Jesus Christ so that we might be part [...]

7 12, 2018

A Dream for Every Child, by Karen and Andrew Limmer

2018-12-07T10:08:38-06:00December 7th, 2018|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

We were overjoyed to welcome our first son, Henry, in 2014, but we quickly learned the meaning of the old expression, “It takes a village.” Two adults are not enough to care for one baby; one tired mommy is not enough to care for her baby and herself, and three hours of sleep at night is not enough to do much of anything. As Henry and our youngest, William, get older, we are increasingly grateful for the many loving and influential adults in their lives. Our boys are blessed beyond measure. They have four doting grandparents and one [...]

7 12, 2018

A Gift-Giving God

2018-12-07T09:21:57-06:00December 7th, 2018|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYER Gracious, gift-giving God, There are some amazing people in this world, who reflect your love in tangible ways into my life. A neighbor comes by with tomatoes from his garden. A friend takes the time to write me a note of encouragement. A church member, who I know has limited resources, writes a check to support a project. A colleague takes more than a few minutes to visit with me on the phone when I call. There are signs of generosity all around me. I am so thankful to you for these people, in whom I can see [...]

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