For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.

1 Corinthians 12:13

Pledged giving is the very foundation for building the St. Luke’s annual budget each year. Our Generosity 2023 goal is to earn 1,200 pledges from our members. Please help us meet the pledge goal, and ensure the financial stability and health of our ministries.Thank you for your essential support!

Letter from the Pastor

Dr. Tom Pace, Dr. Tom Pace lll, Senior Pastor St. Lukes UMC, Sr Pastor St Lukes

Dear St. Luke’s family,

I went to an elementary school that taught “new math.” Yes, we learned the basics. But we learned to try to think differently about mathematics, to expand our thinking. So now, as a pastor, I am applying the same principle to the body of Christ, the church. I now understand that sometimes, 1 + 1 = 3. When two people come together in relationship, something amazing happens. Now there is not just a me and a you, but there is also an us. And that relationship formed is what changes both you and me. The power of the church to change lives comes through relationships.

Now St. Paul practices even a different sort of math. For Paul, 1 + 1 = 1. Together, we form one body of Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. -1 Corinthians 12:13. When we do things together, amazing things happen.

  • Together, we support one another through life’s difficulties.
  • Together, we support families as they grow in faith.
  • Together, we enjoy friendships as we grow through all the stages of life.
  • Together, we change the lives of children and youth in our community.
  • Together, we worship and praise God for God’s goodness.
  • Together, we learn to understand and apply the Bible to our daily lives.
  • Together, we reach new people for Jesus Christ by showing how we love one another.
  • Together, we help to feed the hungry, and educate the children, and give hope to the hopeless.
  • Together, we learn to live and love like Jesus.

Our generosity campaign for 2023 calls all of us to come together so that we can do some great things for Jesus. It will take all of us, across all our campuses, online and onsite worshippers, old and young, new folks and long-standing members, to accomplish the mission God has set out for us. If you have never participated in our generosity campaign before, I hope you will consider doing so, and encourage others to do the same, because by the power of the Holy Spirit, we are Better Together.

Financial Update

Annual Expense Budget vs. Pledges

The chart on the left/above illustrates a 4-year history of St. Luke’s annual operating budget compared to the pledges recorded. In 2022, St. Luke’s annual operating budget is $12.5M, and we have $8.1M in pledges. The difference between the two is made up from a few revenue sources, illustrated to the right/below:

Sources of Revenue

As you can see, pledged giving is the backbone of a responsible budget and the financial stability and health of our family of ministries. It is also one expression of our gratitude and appreciation of being “One Body” in Christ. We have a goal of 1,200 pledges for this year!

We Tell Our Stories

Brenda Mercado & Trinity Aguila
September 25, 2022

Anthony Tang and Andrew Hu
October 9, 2022

Cindy Koester and Katy Cox
October 16, 2022

We’re Transforming Lives by Living and Loving Like Jesus

Positive youth development programs strengthen young people’s sense of identity, belief in the future, self-regulation, and social, emotional competence. 

St. Luke’s response: Our middle and high school ministries offer strategically focused Bible studies and events to spur students to know, love, and follow Jesus Christ. In Small Groups, the Confirmation journey, Student Leadership Academy, Sunday Night Live and transformational mission trips and retreats, students are living out our 5 Inside-Out Habits. And, one of the ways students give themselves away in generosity and service is partnering with Blueprint Ministries every summer. 

Result: In 2022, 45 Middle School students and adult leaders helped to rebuild 3 homes for widows and a single female head of household in San Antonio, providing tangible experience through the Kingdom of God. 

A high percentage of Harris County children and families live with food insecurity.

St. Luke’s response: To partner with Kids’ Meals, the ONLY home meal delivery program in the nation for preschool-aged children living in poverty, and with our Gethsemane campus and Christian Community Service Center (CCSC). 

Result: Over the past year, volunteers made 26,000 sandwiches for Kids’ Meals on Sunday afternoons. At our June Sandwich-o-Rama, 6,000 sandwiches were assembled for distribution. And, through our Children’s Vacation Bible School in June, $8,033.42 was collected for Kids’ Meals along with 600 snack packs. At our Gethsemane campus, volunteers served 1,275 meals at Wednesday Night Fellowship and 2,220 lunches were distributed at our Meet the Neighbors events. Throughout the year, St. Luke’s members donated more than 4,000 bags of food at our food drives. These combined efforts fed more than 56,000 at risk children and families this year.

The Arts allow us to express ourselves in worship when words alone do not suffice. At St. Luke’s, we celebrate both the Creator and creativity through music and fine arts.

St. Luke’s response: Build community through ensembles for all ages who make music together and lead in worship. Create live theater throughout the year, involving people from all over the city. Invite local artists to exhibit their work here. Provide quality music lessons through Bridges Academy. 

Result: A community beyond the walls of the church with 250+ musicians leading in worship, 260+ participants in nine theatrical productions annually for 3,300+ audience members, 120+ students taking lessons, and hundreds of original works of art displayed in our gallery throughout the year. 

Research shows that social isolation and loneliness can pose significant risks for people as they age.

St. Luke’s response: What do seniors want? The same things they have always wanted…the things everyone wants. To be engaged. To help others. To learn. To have friends. To be in community. Thursday with Friends offers service opportunities, field trips for history buffs and theater lovers alike, movie afternoons, and educational programs on issues that may come along as we age. On Tuesday mornings at the woodshop, seniors use their talents to produce toys, furniture, sets for Tapestry Players, and so much more.

Result: Over the last year, more that 300 senior adults have engaged in vital, meaningful opportunities to interact, learn and serve.

People are more likely to grow and feel connected when they are fully integrated into the body of Christ through worship plus one additional group or activity.

St. Luke’s Response: With more than 25 Bible Studies and Small Groups each semester, there is something offered for just about every demographic both in-person and online. More than 1,577 adults are in a Small Group or Bible Study. Serving in the city is made easy by multiple opportunities to participate in Outreach events or collections each month. And opportunities to serve in the church are featured online and in the quarterly Top 10 Ways to Serve. 380 adults are on serving teams.

Result: Among the 4,448 active members, over 1,893 have identified a “plus 1.”

Note from the Chairs

Dear St. Luke’s Family,

We chose St Luke’s as our place of worship because it feels comfortable and familiar – like a safe home where one grew up. We attend Gethsemane, a place of wonderment and acceptance, where people from varied cultures and places gather to hear the words of Christ – like a place where one might have gone outdoors as a child to explore and play. Together, both Gethsemane and St. Luke’s Westheimer strive to build a stronger community through fellowship and service, fulfilling the vision of St Luke’s to become a City Transformed by the Love of Jesus.

St Luke’s vision of transforming this city is an incredible ministry, offering opportunities for worship and outreach that meet many needs beyond the boundaries of our Church. Through worship and service, we provide a place of acceptance, support, and kinship for all. We may never directly know how our smallest act could be the one event that makes a difference in an individual or family’s life. As we grow, living and loving like Jesus, we advance St Luke’s vision of transforming this city through the body of Christ.

We have been fortunate to be a part of the St Luke’s family through worship, Sunday school classes, weekly Bible studies, and outreach opportunities at Gethsemane, while also honored to serve in various capacities at St Luke’s Westheimer. For we all are, “One Spirit, One Body— better together!”

Your continued generosity of financial support, prayer and service allows St. Luke’s to continue building a City Transformed by the Love of Jesus.
Thank you.