
About Sally Penning

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So far Sally Penning has created 1029 blog entries.
7 04, 2017

Palm Sunday People

2017-04-07T08:57:18-05:00April 7th, 2017|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

I grew up going to various church camps, retreats, and mission trips. Compelling sermons would stir something within me. We all know the feeling—the “high” we get when our faith is validated and renewed after spending time in intense worship, service, scripture study, and fellowship. In those moments, I envision myself on the streets of Jerusalem waving my palm branch and shouting, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem “stirred” the whole city, and they asked, “Who is this?” The crowd’s response? “This is the [...]

7 04, 2017

Convicted by His Gaze

2017-04-07T08:51:36-05:00April 7th, 2017|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYER Dear Jesus, my Redeemer, There are moments in my life that I prefer not to remember, times I have done things of which I am not proud. When I call these to mind, they sting and burn like poison and fog my mind with regret. They rob me of self-confidence and snatch away my sense of self-worth. I have tried to wash them away with your love, but it doesn’t seem to work. I know that they have left self-inflicted scars, and underneath those scars there is an ache, a sensitivity to touch that makes me wince [...]

31 03, 2017

Smart in the Kitchen – by Marcia Smart

2017-03-31T09:10:12-05:00March 31st, 2017|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

Remember when we sat in stackable plastic chairs as Dr. Pace preached in the Activity Center? Our St. Luke’s footprint looked so different back then. I’m thankful I was there one of those mornings. In his sermon that day, Dr. Pace talked about family dinner, about the importance of talking and laughing with our children, of establishing and nurturing real connections, while sitting down to share a meal. He referred to the family table as a “love feast” and gave us some gentle reminders to keep it loving as opposed to stressing. I remember feeling emotionally overcome, as [...]

31 03, 2017


2017-03-31T09:02:57-05:00March 31st, 2017|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYER God of my salvation, Some days, I think I have it all pretty well under control. I face my challenges head on, without wavering. I make decisions – some of them good ones even – and I learn from the ones that are not as good that I might not make the same mistakes again. I prioritize life according to values that I have chosen intentionally, hopefully led by the Holy Spirit. I have it together. I run my life well. But there are other days, Lord… Oh My God… those other days. There are days the only [...]

17 03, 2017

The Icing on the Cake – by Sally Penning

2017-03-28T14:54:52-05:00March 17th, 2017|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

Next week our shared St. John’s-St. Luke’s parking garage is scheduled to open. It is an exciting time. It means that our three-year construction project is completed, and, for me as a staff member, that is a little bittersweet. Yes, the bus was inconvenient, but there were some pluses to riding the shuttle. For starters, I have been a member of St. Luke’s my entire life, but until the shuttle dropped me off, I had never entered the Sanctuary through our beautiful front entry. There is a kind of camaraderie that develops when we are put together with [...]

17 03, 2017

The Wilderness of Rejection

2017-03-28T14:54:54-05:00March 17th, 2017|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYER Gracious God, Sometimes I wonder what it must have been like for Jesus. On the one hand, the crowds followed him and cheered for him. He was a celebrity. They loved him, as much as you can love someone when what you really want is for that person to do something for you. On the other hand, there were so many who hated him, who rejected him, who denied him. They even tried to kill him. No, they didn’t just try – they did kill him. That is the ultimate form of rejection. There were some times he seemed to worry what people [...]

10 03, 2017

The Gift of Listening – By Rev. Bill Denham

2017-03-28T14:54:56-05:00March 10th, 2017|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

The phone in my office rang a couple of times. I answered it and my antenna shot up. The pain and fear in her voice was loud and clear. She loved her husband, her life with him, and their two small children. She loved the Lord. How could she have cancer? How could this be? Was there anyone who could really help her? Just weeks before the dreaded “C” word had become a horrifying reality in her world. She had been healthy all her life. Eating judiciously and years of disciplined exercise made no difference for this predator. [...]

10 03, 2017

When Fear Takes Us Over

2017-03-28T14:54:57-05:00March 10th, 2017|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYER  Jesus, Were you afraid when you were in the wilderness? I read in the Bible that you were fully human, sent by the Father to face the same challenges I face, and more… So I think you were afraid. When you were in the desert, without food for forty days, face to face with the devil himself, were you afraid then? When you heard that they had beheaded your cousin John the baptizer, did fear for yourself and your disciples well up inside you? When you stood in the Garden of Gethsemane and the whip and the [...]

3 03, 2017

How to Stay Hungry

2017-03-28T14:54:59-05:00March 3rd, 2017|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYER  O God, I am hungry right now. It is early morning, and I haven’t eaten. That hunger is a constant gnawing as I write. It keeps turning my mind away from my writing, my praying, and I have to work so much harder to stay focused. I am indeed a physical being, and I can’t deny that. But I am a spiritual being, too, and I want very much to live by the Spirit. Paul writes to the Romans  “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to [...]

2 03, 2017

Why Do We Fast?

2017-03-28T14:55:02-05:00March 2nd, 2017|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

During the season of Lent, many Christians fast as a form of spiritual discipline. Here are some of the reasons why: 1. It is Biblical.  Both Old and New Testaments speak of fasting as an important spiritual discipline. Moses fasted for forty days on the mountain to receive the tablets of God.  Jesus fasted before facing his temptation. The church at Antioch fasted and prayed before choosing Paul and Barnabas to be their missionaries (Acts 13:2). Paul led a time of fasting and prayer with the leadership of the churches he founded on his missionary journeys (Acts 14:23).  [...]

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