26 07, 2019

More than a Hand Bell Choir, by Noralyn Carpenter

2019-07-26T09:09:46-05:00July 26th, 2019|All blogs|0 Comments

One of my favorite types of music-making groups is a bell choir. People who ring bells together bring with them a heightened sense of dedication to music, and to each other. If a singer is missing from a vocal group, other singers will still sing the same notes, and the song will go on. In a hand bell choir, each ringer is solely responsible for two (or more) assigned pitches. If the ringer is missing, the notes do not sound, and the song is incomplete. Members of a bell choir are very dependent on each other-— first just [...]

26 07, 2019

The broken pieces of life

2019-07-26T08:56:28-05:00July 26th, 2019|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYER God, sometimes life is marvelous and wonderful, and gratitude comes easy. But sometimes, life is difficult. Bad things happen. I've seen it in the lives of other people I care about. People they love die too young. They get cheated or swindled or robbed. The job they count on goes away. Their marriages fail and friendships falter. Children struggle and parents disappoint. Money gets scarce and pressures rise. Sometimes, God, these problems are "circumstances," out of their control. Sometimes, they contributed to the problem. And God, you know there have been times in my own [...]

19 07, 2019

Apollo 11 Lunar Landing, by Ed Smith

2019-07-19T09:40:43-05:00July 19th, 2019|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

April 1963 The ad in Aviation Week indicated a need for experienced engineers at NASA’s newly-minted Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston. At this time I was employed by the FAA as an engineering test pilot and engineer in Oklahoma City. With my advanced aerospace engineering degree and experience as a jet-qualified large multi-engine aircraft pilot, I had hoped to be engaged in the new US Supersonic Transport program. However that program was beset upon with both technical and political improbabilities. I had also applied for a research pilot job opening at the NASA Lewis Research Center in Cleveland [...]

19 07, 2019

Can’t we just all get along?

2019-07-19T09:27:43-05:00July 19th, 2019|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYER God of all times and all people in all places, You know how I hate conflict and tension. I suspect there are some people who love a good fight - sort of "bring it on." But not me, God. I just want us all to get along. Is that just an unreasonable expectation, God? I read your scripture to call for "shalom," peace with justice, everything in harmony. You tell me that if I come to the altar with gifts, and my brother or sister has something against me, I should leave my gift at [...]

12 07, 2019

Theatre Kids, by Tina Throckmorton

2019-07-12T10:16:12-05:00July 12th, 2019|All blogs, We Tell Our Stories|0 Comments

St. Luke’s is committed to children, and St. Luke’s is committed to theatre, music and fine arts. When all these elements combine, my heart SINGS.    Our 11:00 congregation this morning will be treated to a selection from “Life of the Party,” our 7th annual Children’s Music Ministries’ summer musical. This 30-minute production was performed on Friday night by a great group of 35 first through fifth graders after only a week of rehearsals. Julie Osterman, Noralyn Carpenter, Megan Kessler and I are very proud of them! It has been my immense privilege to be involved in many [...]

12 07, 2019

A Fresh Start

2019-07-12T09:25:40-05:00July 12th, 2019|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYER God - Father, Son, Holy Spirit, I remember the first time I made a commitment to following you, and offered you my life in response to your amazing grace. I felt so empowered, so full of life. I felt that nothing could bring me down. It was like I was getting married - I was going to follow you for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. In my mind, I knew there would be good times and bad times, but I thought we could handle them all together, you [...]

5 07, 2019


2019-07-05T11:55:51-05:00July 5th, 2019|All blogs, Inside-Out with Dr. Tom Pace|0 Comments

A PERSONAL PRAYER God, Let's stir the pot. Let's shake things up. Let's turn over some temple-tables. Let's make something happen. OK, I know you have been doing that all along, but let's you and I do it together (meaning I will join in this time). God, I thank you today for all those pot-stirrers and thing-shaker-uppers, and temple-table-turners who have been your agents to accomplish your purposes. It takes courage to do that. I thank you for those who come up with the strategies for change. I thank you for those who bear the brunt of social ridicule and [...]

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